Looking for some great ways to Quarantine and Shelter at home well with your family? Although Covid-19 affecting is affecting the entire world, it’s a wonderful time to slow down, re-connect with family and discover what’s truly important in life.

You’re probably reading this because you have been mandated by health workers and government officials to stay at home due to help curb the spread of the disease. Maybe you’re just self-quarantining so as to not spread any additional cold or flu germs. We all have a part to play in taking care of each other.


Hopefully, you’re staying safe and healthy. If you have children and teens at home, hopefully you’re learning new ways to make it all work. Here are a few ideas on How Quarantine Well at Home with your family.



  1. Fun & Games
  2. Home, Health & Hygiene Supplies
  3. Food
  4. Comforts For Home





Fun Board Games

Have fun by having family game night while you’re staying indoors. Here are few fun games related to music and more. You can purchase them online at Amazon.

1. Spontuneous! The Song Game! Sing or Shout It!

2. Paladone Play That Tune Music Guessing Game with Kazoos

3. LP Kids Karaoke Machine with 2 Microphones!

Here are a few other popular board games for your family that you can buy online from Amazon.

1. Game of Life

2. Watch Your Mouth

3. Monopoly

If you want to buy some of these fun board games for your family later on, just save this pin to your Board Game board on Pinterest.




Home Health & Hygiene Supplies


Here are a small list of the best home, health and Hygiene products to stock up on.You can purchase these items online at Amazon Grocery Store.

Home and Disinfectant Supplies

  1. Bleach
  2. Alcohol 90%
  3. Clorox Disinfectant
  4. Trash Bags

Health Supplies

  1. Aspirin
  2. Cold Medicine
  3. Vitamins
  4. Protective Gear

Hygiene Supplies

  1. Toliet Paper
  2. Kleenex
  3. Body Wash & Shampoo

If you want to try some of these home, health and hygiene items later on, just save this pin to your Quarantine board on Pinterest.


Check it here

Just to let you know links in this post are Amazon affiliate links, meaning that if you choose to make a purchase, The Andream Shop will earn a commission. Comes at no additional cost to you.


Pantry Food List

Here are a small list of the best staple foods to stock up on. These pantry staples are long lasting and will feed your hungry family and keep them satisfied. You can easily purchase these items online at the Amazon Grocery Store.

  1. Beans
  2. Pasta
  3. Yeast
  4. Soups
  5. Canned Food
  6. Water

Keep this list of pantry food items handy just in case you want to buy them later. Just save this Pin to your Food board on Pinterest.



Comforts For Home

Here are just few of my favorite items while at home. It doesn’t matter if I’m sick, taking a day off or enjoying the weekend, I find these thing comforting.

  1. Blankets – I love to snuggle under a large, comfy, cozy blanket, don’t you?
  2. Books – How about books on staying mentally strong?
  3. TV Shows – Of course, there is Netflix.
  4. Tea – Nothing like a soothing cup of tea.

We hope you enjoy these tips on how to quarantine well with family.


Please remember to Stay Safe, Stay Home and Save Lives.

Official Information about Covid-19

Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

World Health Organization (WHO)

Here is a video from the CDC on washing hands. Take Care!

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5 Musical Games: Fun Family Game Ideas While Staying Indoors